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The Uncertainty Cure - A Practical Guide to Navigating the Unknown

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

The recording from my "Uncertainty Cure" workshop for coaches from the Transformative Coaching Summit at Animas Centre for Coaching is now live.

I really enjoyed this session and I found it to be a gift that keeps on giving - it has started many great conversations about the feeling of uncertainty, our own uncertainty tolerance, and how can we help our clients navigate the choppy waters of "not knowing".

And the "Red Cross" framework for managing uncertainty I shared is one of the most mentioned practical takeaways.

Here is the recording for you to enjoy. And if you'd like to find particular moments, I include handy time stamps below.

3:30 – Why understanding uncertainty and its impact matters for us coaches?

7:10 – How does my clients’ uncertainty tolerance show up in my coaching, supervision and leadership development work?

11:56 – The workbook with further exercises and resources on uncertainty (the link is still live so you download this material for free at any time)

12:23 – What might uncertainty feel like in our mind and body (I share a personal past moment of uncertainty from my own life).

15:49 – Insights from the world of neuroscience that help us understand what goes on for us when we experience "not knowing".

21:13 – What is the right amount of uncertainty?

25:10 – The cost of avoidance that makes simple stories enticing.

28:30 – What kind of coaching is needed to support our clients through uncertain times?

29:10 – The concept of safe vs. unsafe uncertainty (from Barry Mason)

42:36 – The "Red Cross" framework for managing uncertainty (from the work of Nathan and Susannah Harmon Furr).

53:30 – Lastly, my personal favourite reframe from Rilke on loving the question.

Would you like to download the presentation and the workbook mentioned in the video?


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